
Welcome to my blog where I will share with you my hikes, experiences and special events. My name is Peter and I am an avid traveler who loves to explore new places, meet new people and learn new things. On this blog I will be showing you some of the most beautiful and interesting places I have visited and sharing my tips, advice and insights with you. I hope my blog will entertain, inspire and motivate you to go on your own adventures too. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to drop me a line. I will look forward to your feedback. Thank you for your consideration and have a great day.

  • Třeboň hay barns

    The Třeboň hayloft is a cultural monument located in the Wet Meadows near the town of Třeboň in the South Bohemian Region. It is a timbered building used to store hay from the wet meadows. The hay was then transported to the buildings only in winter when the ground froze. The Třeboň haylofts are thus a testimony to the traditional...

  • Storm at the Súkenická lookout tower

    I chose the Súkenická lookout tower, which stands on the Súkenická hill (1012 m above sea level) between the villages of Horní Bečva and Hutisko-Solanec. The lookout tower was built in 2010 and offers a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains and valleys... I know the lookout tower from a previous visit

  • Roklan Cottage

    Legal route to Roklanská hut only through the second zones. The route is not demanding, it leads mostly on unmarked paths, old paths and sometimes just through the terrain. Since the validity of the new draft general nature measure No. NPS 06920/2023 on the restriction of access for nature protection reasons...

  • Dawn on Chalupská slať

    If you love nature and beauty, then you should not miss this poetic video from the summer dawn at Chalupská slata near Svinné Lad in Šumava. It's a beautiful view of the largest peat pond in the Czech Republic and the surrounding slough. Many rare plant species are found on the floating islands... Protection Status